

“They say of me that I do street art, singular art, contemporary art, conceptual art or whatever. For me, it's just dreaming and improvisation."
“If we know exactly what we are going to do, what is the point of doing it?”
Pablo Picasso

I always dreamed of being a comic book hero, I wanted to walk on the moon. One day my dad came home with a guitar, he played from dusk to dusk for years, then he left and I never walked on the moon. For years, I saw a Vasarely advertisement in a bus stop, I asked myself questions, and I started to learn drawing by drinking images. I read Philippe Druillet's albums between the tin shelves and the DIY department. And, as I still couldn't walk on the moon, I invented a world for myself by hanging on to a branch, I drew, I painted. For me, this act is not a simple act, it's a dip in the dream, a line, a line, a meaning, black from white and a world is born, aborted sometimes, I never have anything thrown!

After a stint at the School of Fine Arts in Lyon, I learned to listen, hear and see. I fed on Laurie Anderson, I drowned in the work of Andy Warhol and pop art. Then back in life, I spent my time browsing the assembly workshops while drawing 4 hours a day, sometimes even in front of a machine! Without having walked on the moon, my head was in the clouds, in my drawing. I worked for more than 20 years in the most complete anonymity, not having time to show, not being able to talk about it.

Since 1996, I also work with the computer tool and I create images, worlds, characters straight out of my imagination. My work is constantly changing. Little by little I move towards the void, towards the conceptual, as if I had gone around it. Art is an act: to provoke sensations in the spectator, to lose him sometimes, to drown him under the images...

I never looked behind me, I never thought about the future, I walked on the present, I caused myself an indigestion of images, dreams and colors. For me art is nothing if it is not shared and today I share with you my first steps on the moon. I would end with this sentence from Joseph Beuys "I am convinced that each of us is an artist and that his most beautiful work of art is his life."
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